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Around the World... Lumiere & Babette Style

Beauty and the Beast has traveled the globe over the years.  Can you imagine our guys in every and any language?  Check out what Lumiere and Babette have looked like all over the world!

The New, Improved Around the World Gallery

"Around the World" would like to credit the following sites/people for the photos found inside.
Klaske Beinema, webmaster of http://www.beautyandthebeast.nl
(Photos from Argentina, Australia, Germany, and the Original London cast pictures)
Belle83210, webmaster of www.animatedheroines.com
(Photos from London, Cast of 1999)
(Photo from Spain)
(Photos from Austria)
Official Korean Website, http://www.beautyandbeast.co.kr
(Photos from Korea)
(UK National Tour Photos)
Official Broadway Website, http://www.disneyonbroadway.com
(Finale Photo, UK National Tour)
Note: "Around the World" was created strictly with the intent to give visitors an interesting look at different international productions.  As is proper "net-tiquette", The Haven constantly wishes to give every credit where it is due.  If you are the owner of any of the above sites, and would like to be credited by name, PLEASE do not hesitate to email me (LadyMargB@aol.com
Credits for Performers: Actors names are listed where known.  If anyone knows the names of those unlisted, please email me at the above address, and I will credit you for your help.

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