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My Musical Experiences

So many times, so much to remember.  I always come home with stories to tell everytime I have seen Beauty and the Beast.  Here are some special moments from performances that I would like to share with you.

Christy Romano & Peter Flynn
September 12, 2004 - Farewell, Christy, Welcome Peter
Saying good-bye to Christy Romano as she plays her last performance as Belle, but hello to Peter Flynn, the newest Lumiere.
Brooke as Belle on Broadway
September 25th & October 3rd 2004 - The Tansley Era
We have a new Belle in town; Brooke Tansley begins a promising run in the role of our fave leading lady.
We're back!
October 9th, 2004 - Sweet 16, Row A, SOLD OUT!
The dynamic duo...or Megan and I...strike again!  This time, it's up close and personal! =)
In honor of the best line
Jeff Brooks and Megan =)
October 23rd 2004 - We're Boxed In!
Much better than it sounds, Megan and I get the newest view at a Saturday evening performance of B&B =)
Mom (Denise) and me at B&B
November 20th/December 3rd 2004
We combine the efforts to bring you Mom's visit to Beauty, and a last minute visit later on!

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